Our Blog

Check out our blog below. But if you have not done so already:

Case Studies: Nursing Breast Engorgement/Plugged Duct

How we opened up a plugged duct in the breast without touching it.

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Case Studies: Labor and Delivery

What happened when a patient came in for labor and induction.

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Acupuncture and the Use of Acupressure Mats

Have you seen acupressure mats advertised, or maybe you have purchased one? I first saw Dr. Oz talking about them on his…

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Acupuncture and Tapping

Online, there are many different websites that discuss show the reader how to use the fingertips to tap a series of certain…

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What Does Chinese Medicine Have to Say About Organ Removal to Prevent Cancer?

Celebrities Angelina Jolie and Kelly Osbourne have made news headlines recently concerning their decisions to have surgery to prevent future cancer. 

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Acupuncture for Fearful Patients

If you are troubled by the thought of someone ­– even a licensed professional – sticking needles into your body, please read…

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How to Make Health Resolutions That Stick

The early part of a new month in a new year is a good time to think about what you would like…

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Holiday Stress? Five Helpful Tips to Thrive This Season

Do you want to optimize your experience of the holiday season? If so, have a look at the tips below.

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When They Tell You Where to Put the Needle

At Ikeda sensei's recent San Francisco seminar, an issue came up during the first day of lecture that seems to affect many…

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Autumn Dispatch, Post-Japan

I've recently returned from Japan, my tenth foray into that wonderful country for the purposes of additional training and study. To be…

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