Our Blog

Check out our blog below. But if you have not done so already:

The Weather and Your Body

Just how does the weather affect us? This is a relevant question right now, especially considering the extremes we’ve experienced in our…

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Preventing Falls in Seniors

Unfortunately, falls are one of the leading causes of death and disability in older people. Something as random and quick as a…

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How I Got into This, Part 1

Often, during the course of the interview with a new patient, the tables turn such that the patient starts asking me a…

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Acupuncture for Headaches

Most people have experienced headaches at one time or another, although occasionally I meet the patient who, upon routine questioning, says, “I…

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As a health care practitioner who spends lots of time with patients one-on-one behind closed doors, I hear a lot of confessional…

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Experiences in Japan

I have recently returned to Atlanta from visits to Japan for most of December 2007 and for about 12 days in July…

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East Asian Medicine for Sprains and Strains

A few definitions are in order before discussing an East Asian medical approach to sprains and strains. First of all, what are…

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East Asian Medicine for the Person Who Takes a Variety of Different Medications

In today’s American society, an alarming percentage of people are taking pills. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, as…

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Attitudes About Food

“But that’s the way I have eaten my whole life. I am not going to change it now.” “Man, if everything’s bad…

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Treating Erectile Dysfunction and Low Libido with East Asian Medicine

Here are two related topics that are often mentioned to me in hushed tones, after we have talked virtually all of the…

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