Our Blog

Check out our blog below. But if you have not done so already:

Acupuncture Detective—A Fertility Case

One of my fertility patients came in recently following a cycle during which she did not become pregnant. At times, I have…

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Regularly-Scheduled Acupuncture Treatments

The benefits of coming in regularly for acupuncture are too numerous to consider here. Some of the main ones are that treatment…

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How I Got Into This, Part 2

More about how I became a licensed acupuncturist -- the part about what happened with school and life after Part 1.

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That’s It—No More Insurance Filing

Summarizes why this office will no longer file insurance.

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Learning Acupuncture Traditionally

 I am a lucky student in Edward Obaidey's Tokyo clinic, going back and forth whenever possible between there and my own place…

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Posture for Receiving Acupuncture Treatment

Ideally, patients should be in a relaxed and open body position to receive acupuncture. People don't always seem to know how they…

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Travels in Peru

A great opportunity came my way in June 2011 to visit the country of Peru in South America. It was my first…

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Little Patients

With acupuncture, some patients start very young. This is actually a good thing considering that treament of the energetic channels in children…

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Chance Meetings: Triplets

Because I see lots of fertility patients, I often follow up with parents-to-be (mostly mothers, but sometimes the fathers, too) throughout their…

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Keeping Us Well

One thing that struck me during my visits to Japan was the way that everyday people went to the acupuncturist when there…

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